Server Date: 18/4/2024 Time: 12:20:18 (GMT)
Counter Stats
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This new statistic (Geo) is under BETA Test on this server and we are training it at present More...

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Counter the-avala Browser

Operating (28) || Engines (3) || PDA/Mobiles (99) || Browsers (359) || Toolbars (31) || Mozilla (6)
Plugins (186) || Applications (9) || Mime Types (8) || Displaying Browser: (0 of 359)

You have selected a section with no results to display?
This could be for a few possible reasons i.e.

There are simply no results to display?
Opened this account today and you have selected statistics for last month/Yesterday?
Not sent any hits to this account yet?
Opened a comparison table with only one result, comparisons need two results to compare?

Help on Internet Browsers
Probably one of the most common statistics but non-the less still important, this statistic gives you a list of your visitor's web browsers! It not only includes Firefox and Internet Explorer it will also list some of the less common types including but not limited to mobile and PDA browsers, this statistic is useful for designing your page around your visitor and again if you do not run any WAP pages here's the place that will tell you it may be time to re-consider.

1. You can get hits/unique/returns/reloads for this statistic in the drop down box provided at the top of this page, additionally; you can compare one period of time against another!

2. You can view periods of time by day/week/month and year on this statistic in the drop down box provided at the top of this page!

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